Cattle can suffer abnormalities during pregnancy leading to early termination of pregnancy called as abortion.
As there are multiple causes of abortion and the detection of abortions can vary significantly depending on the husbandry system and calving pattern, the incidence of abortion at herd level also varies markedly.
The causes of abortion are as follows:
- Drugs such as prostaglandins
- Insemination/intra-uterine infusion
- Trauma/stress (transport, noise, veterinary treatment etc.)
- High fever and endotoxins (toxic plants, nitrate/nitrite, fungal toxins, other disease)
- Nutritional (malnutrition, vitamin A/selenium/vitamin E deficiency, goitre)
- Twin pregnancy
- Genetic (malformation)
Infectious causes of abortion can lead to "abortion storms" in a herd.
The most important infectious abortion agents are:
Salmonellosis (particularly Salmonella dublin) | Listeriosis |
Leptospirosis | Neospora caninum |
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) | Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) |
Campylobacteriosis | Fungal/mycotic abortion |
Epizootic/chlamydial abortion | Trichomoniasis |
Preventing Abortion
- Minimizing the risk of diseases among the cattle
- Effectively quarantine purchased cattle for a minimum of 14 days or maintain a completely ‘closed’ herd.
- Pay special attention to the health status of bulls. Purchased bulls can introduce disease and spread it venerably. Get your veterinarian to assess the health status of your bulls. Purchase bulls from farms with a proven high health status.
- Ensure farm visitors and their equipment are clean before they enter the farm. Use disinfection if necessary.
- Make sure your boundaries are stockproof. Cattle which jump fences often bring disease with them.
- Isolating aborting cows and immediate removal of aborted materials can reduce spread within the herd
- Provide a sufficient quantity of a properly formulated and delivered ration. Cows under stress are more likely to become infected and to abort.
- Feed good quality feed to pregnant cows. Food which is contaminated with moulds should not be fed to such cows. It is no good removing the visibly affected portion as toxins and fungus will be present in the apparently normal portion too.
- Store feed properly – keep vermin out as they can spread bacteria and viruses, particularly Salmonella.
Anti-Abort is an Proven Remedy for Abortions
IAnti-Abort is a very effective medicine for habitual abortion. Anti-Abort prevents abortion due to injury. Anti-Abort helps treat abortion due to excessive hormonal imbalance.
Anti-Abort is a 200 ml liquid medicine. One dose is approx. 10 ml. For cattle with a history of habitual abortion, Anti-Abort should be given regularly 15 days before the parturition. Cattle where signs of abortion are being observed; Anti-Abort should be given for 1-3 hours.
1.Anti-Abort can be given directly to the animal through the tongue OR
2.Anti-Abort can be mixed with 50 grams of jaggery/bran/grain and given to the cattle.
3.Shake and mix the medicine well before use.